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Writing Prompts & Challenges

Engage in writing exercises and challenges to boost creativity.

Write a scene where a character receives life-changing news.

Posted by Chace Randolph | 3 months ago | replies | 63 views

What if animals could talk? Write a conversation between a cat and a dog.

Posted by kendo | 3 months ago | replies | 803 views

Describe a dream you've had that has stuck with you.

Posted by Stephen A Robinson | 4 months ago | replies | 806 views

Write a scene from the perspective of an inanimate object.

Posted by M. Lane | 4 months ago | replies | 261 views

Poetry Challenge: Write a sonnet about the feeling of nostalgia.

Posted by aleacia | 4 months ago | replies | 44 views

Create a character based on your favorite mythical creature.

Posted by camrey | 6 months ago | replies | 382 views

Write a story about a character who discovers a hidden talent.

Posted by Anuj | 7 months ago | replies | 753 views

Write a dialogue between two people who haven't seen each other in ten years.

Posted by lessli | 8 months ago | replies | 50 views

Describe a world where gravity works in reverse.

Posted by pavlo | 10 months ago | replies | 775 views

Create a new word and its definition. Then, write a sentence using it.

Posted by lawandra | 11 months ago | replies | 675 views

Plot Twist Tuesday: Come up with a shocking plot twist for a story.

Posted by wer | 1 year ago | replies | 796 views