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The Rebel and the Princess: A tale of two unlikely allies

From the bit I read of "The Rebel and the Princess" by Demi D. Miato, it’s shaping up to be quite the page-turner! The story kicks off in the Rolfe family's home, and right off the bat, you can tell they're walking on eggshells – all because of the Royals coming to town. This isn’t your typical royal family; they’re more about ruling with an iron fist than waving from balconies. Rachel, one of the central characters, brings a fresh vibe to the mix. She’s not your usual obedient citizen; she’s got this spunk and a strong sense of what’s right that really shines through, even in the little bit I’ve seen. The moment where everything goes sideways – with the peasant boy and the Royal girl – is a real gut-punch. It’s like, bam, welcome to the harsh reality of their world! What I’ve read so far sets up a pretty intense backdrop. The story seems to be gearing up for some major themes like standing up against oppression and fighting for what's fair, which I'm totally here for. Miato’s writing pulls you right into the scene; it’s like you’re at that dinner table with the Rolfe family, trying not to attract the Royals' attention. Just a heads up, though, my thoughts are based only on the initial chapters, so I'm missing the bigger picture of the full book. Based on the start, it looks like the story will take readers on a wild ride through a world where you’ve got to be tough to stand up to those in power. If you’re into stories where characters go up against big odds and the stakes are high, this seems like it could be a great fit. Can’t wait to see where the story heads next!

Pub Date: 2023-05-01


Page Count: 155


Review Posted Online: 2024-03-28 20:15:08