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A Comprehensive Guide to Publishing a Book with IngramSpark

Self-publishing a book can be a rewarding experience, giving you complete control over your work and its distribution. IngramSpark is a leading platform for independent authors and publishers, offering a wide range of services to help you bring your book to market. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps of publishing your book with IngramSpark.

Benefits of Using IngramSpark

  • Wide Distribution: IngramSpark provides access to a vast network of retailers, libraries, and bookstores worldwide, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and more.
  • Print and eBook Options: Publish both print-on-demand (POD) and eBook formats to reach a broader audience. POD eliminates the need for large upfront printing costs.
  • Professional Printing: High-quality printing options ensure your printed books look professional and meet industry standards.
  • Global Reach: Your book can be ordered from anywhere in the world, reducing shipping costs and delivery times for your readers.
  • Author Control: You have complete control over book pricing, distribution, and production decisions.
  • Competitive Royalties: Earn higher royalties compared to traditional publishing, giving you a larger share of the profits.
  • Title Setup Guidance: IngramSpark offers resources and support to guide you through the process of setting up your titles for publication.

Step-by-Step Guide to Publishing with IngramSpark

1. Prepare Your Book Content

Before you begin the publishing process, ensure that your book content is thoroughly edited, proofread, and formatted according to industry standards. You can find manuscript formatting guidelines online or consider hiring a professional editor and book designer.

2. Design Your Book Cover

Your book cover is the first impression for potential readers. Create an eye-catching and professional cover design that accurately reflects your book's genre and target audience. IngramSpark provides cover design templates and guidelines to assist you, or you can hire a professional cover designer.

3. Sign Up for an IngramSpark Account

Visit the IngramSpark website and create a free account. You'll need to provide your publishing information, including your name or company name, address, and tax information.

4. Add Your Book

Log in to your IngramSpark account and click on "Add New Title." Enter your book's title, author name, ISBN (which you can purchase through IngramSpark or a third-party provider), and other relevant information. Choose your book's format (print, eBook, or both) and trim size.

5. Upload Your Manuscript and Cover

Upload your manuscript file in a supported format (PDF is recommended) and your cover design. Ensure that your files meet IngramSpark's specifications, which can be found on their website. You can preview your book's interior and cover using IngramSpark's online tools.

6. Set Your Distribution and Pricing

Choose your distribution channels, including retailers, libraries, and wholesalers. You can opt for worldwide distribution or select specific regions. Set your book's retail price, considering production costs, competitor pricing, and your desired royalty rate. IngramSpark provides a handy royalty calculator to help you determine your earnings.

7. Proof and Approve

Carefully review your book's digital proof, checking for any errors in formatting, layout, and content. IngramSpark offers print-on-demand proofs for a fee, allowing you to physically inspect your book before making it available for sale. Once you're satisfied with the proof, approve it for distribution.

8. Distribution

Congratulations! Your book is now available for distribution through IngramSpark's extensive network. It may take several days or weeks for your book to appear on various retail websites. You can track your book's availability through your IngramSpark dashboard.

9. Marketing and Promotion

While IngramSpark handles distribution, it's essential to actively market and promote your book to reach your target audience. Consider strategies such as social media marketing, email campaigns, author website creation, book reviews, and advertising. IngramSpark also offers additional marketing services for a fee.

10. Monitor Sales and Royalties

Keep track of your book sales and royalties through your IngramSpark account dashboard. You can view sales reports, track payments, and manage your book's information. IngramSpark typically pays royalties on a monthly or quarterly basis.


Publishing your book with IngramSpark provides a straightforward and cost-effective way to reach a global audience. By following these steps and investing time in marketing your work, you can increase your chances of success as an independent author or publisher.